Our Mission

We’re always on because our clients are always on. Our 24/7 systems are running nonstop, continuously monitoring and detecting potential issues and security threats, so our team can put a stop to them before they put a stop to your business. Always On is built into the wiring of who we are as a team. We’re always thinking, testing, evaluating, and presenting service offerings and solutions that keep Midnight Blue on top of an ever-changing technology landscape that works to the benefit of small- and medium-sized businesses. Just as you are focused on your business performance and profitability, we’re focused on how to make your business run better, more secure, and more efficient, improving productivity and workflows, and boosting your bottom lines. 

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MidnightBlue team MidnightBlue team

Our Values

What we stand for makes us who we are. Learn more about our core values at Midnight Blue. 

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Accountability & Ownership to the Extreme

Talented employees with extensive professional and technology backgrounds build out Midnight Blue’s team. Everyone on our team demonstrates pride and love for what we do and how we do it, from beginning to end. We show up every day, ready to apply our extensive knowledge and skills to the services and the solutions that best position our clients, their employees, and their businesses for success.

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Scalable Services & Solutions Delivered with Integrity

Integrity isn’t always a common value in today’s way of doing business. We’re upfront, honest, and accountable in what we’re doing, how we’re doing it, why—and most importantly—how much it will cost our customers in resources and budgets, not because we have to be, but because we want to be. We’re also not a one-size-fits-all operation; our services are tailored to the specific needs of our customers, delivered with a professional, but personal touch. 

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We Know Our Sweet Spot & We’re Sticking With It 

Managed services is what we do best, and we do it best for small and mid-sized businesses. We live and breathe our strengths. And we’re not going anywhere. Unlike our competitors who are looking to scale up to provide services to larger enterprise organizations, we know the quality of services and the availability of support declines when IT organizations grow and expand to that level. Our customers know we’re out here working for them, not for ourselves. 

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Transparent Technology Solutions that Talk Business 

We want to engage our customers, educate them, and give them an inside look into our process—but we know that your bottom line is what matters most when it comes to the services and solutions we implement. Information technology should be accessible to everyone. That’s why we talk business, not tech. We are transparent in our managed service offerings, so our customers know how and why this will impact day-to-day operations, as well as how we’re positioning them for the future. 

Our Leadership

"What we do is about more than checking the box that a job was completed for a customer. Our deeply-held core values guide the ways in which we are providing services and solutions to our customers. We’re proud of building long-standing relationships with business owners who entrust us with their business systems." 

Larry Schwartz President, CEO & Founder 

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